As Alvin very aptly put...
"Moving back to East FAIL"

It's rather interesting how many
twists and turns 2010 has taken.
Malek would almost be proud of me.

And so, I'll be residing in a central
location for another 2 months.
The East will have to wait for the time being.
When life gives you lemons, 
you make lemonade.
When people kick you out of Chinatown, 
you move to...Tampines.

The five year plan has taken a new twist once again.
And it appears that my stint in Chinatown 
has now been cut short by a good two months.

Not that I'm complaining. Hardly at all.
Blessing in disguise this is.
End of July, that's the tentative moving period.
Tampines, here we come.
A random discussion of baby names easily settled the girl's.
Much harder was reaching an agreement on the boy's.

Eventually we turned to the web for some assistance.
And I came across a name that is either the 
most bewildering or the coolest in modern times.

Arturas. Possibly bear or stone.
I mean, make up your mind. 
There is no either or when it comes to names.

I still prefer Greek to be honest.
Soterios. A savior, a deliverer.
For years now, I've been deriding the likes of Thai 
Express and other Thai establishments in Singapore.
Firm in my belief that Sydney offered superior Thai food.

I was wrong. Golden Mile made me eat my words.
And some rather good authentic Thai food.

Stepping into the complex itself is entering a mini-Bangkok.
Almost forgetting that you're still in Singapore.

Golden Mile Complex. Possibly dodgy.
But tasty cuisine has always had its fair 
share of accompanying dodginess.
View from my office. 
Doesn't quite match up to the 
Harbour Bridge and Opera House.

But this will do for me.
Katong chicken rice, anyone?